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 twSplitClr( InColor )
     Splits a Clipper Colour String into its FIVE component parts and
     returns the result in an array.

     This function derives from a similar one by Rick Spence in his
     Clipper 5.0 Programming Guide.


     InColor - 'C' Clipper Colour String.


     Array of five colours.


     cArray := twSplitClr( "w+/b,gr+/r,,n/w,w/b" )

     =>  cArray[ 1 ] == "w+/b"
         cArray[ 2 ] == "gr+/r"
         cArray[ 3 ] == "n"
         cArray[ 4 ] == "n/w"
         cArray[ 5 ] == "w/b"

     Notice the way the colour string was defined in this example.
     TSDWIN Alert Class functions can make use of colours strings like
     this one.

See Also: twListAsArray()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson